
A Christmas Present From Jacob Collier: "Winter Wonderland"

The Ghost of a Flea12/23/2020 5:32:10 pm PST

The other thing going on is…there’s so many people in prison who are given no mercy.

Many of whom…as demonstrated by all the cop lying in the last year…probably don’t deserve what they’re getting.

In spite of that provision about “cruel and unusual” punishment we’ve decided that once you’re in prison…or jail…part of the penalty is all suffering inflicted, not just the deprivation of liberty for a set sentence.

Get attacked? Get sexually assaulted? Get coerced into a gang? Get tortured and put in solitary? Get sick from the bad food because the private prison is keeping costs down? Get COVID 19?

It’s all part of the sentence.

Assuming you get to court, because taking a bullet from a cop—or a white dude playing cop—is also deserved.

But if you’re the right kind of rich crook…if you cause enormous, life-destroying, life-ending damage to many, many people…you’re somehow doing less of a crime than a person who smashed a window. You get to be forgiven, you get to go back to society.