
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Scolds High School Students for Wearing Masks: A Closer Look

steve_davis3/05/2022 11:21:16 am PST

re: #3 darthstar

Oh, we got a fuckin’ nonvoy,
Not going anywhere.
We’ve got a fuckin’ nonvoy,
Can’t you feel our despair?


Russian convoy: “We should be in Kyiv in 20 minutes or so….wait, what’s that ahead of us?”
Russian HQ: (later in the day) Breaker 1-9, breaker 1-9, just dropping in to see what condition your condition is in, over.”
Russian convoy: “Uhm, there seem to be an enormous number of semis parked in the road here, with a bunch of loud-mouthed assholes running around outside shouting something about masks. They seem to believe they’re on the Capital Beltway, over.”