
DOJ's New Filing Responds to Trump With a Photo of Some of the Classified Documents He Stole

Randall Gross8/31/2022 10:24:56 am PDT

re: #13 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

When will some of these people begin to grasp the concept that the civil & legal status of marriage is no longer fully equivalent to the religious Sacrament of Holy Matrimony?

You do not have to accept two people as being married in the eyes of God, but you are compelled to accept their status of being married in the eyes of the law.

Oh about never, I’ve been in long knock down dragged out arguments with wingnuts in comments here way back in the past over the fact that although there are many ceremonies & many religions, all marriages are confirmed by the state, and that includes common law marriages. (remember common law was created so pagans could co exist with Christians in early England.)