
Got a Big Hamas Fish

lawhawk1/15/2009 11:26:33 am PST

Photo of his home after Israel got through with it.

If Israel wanted to level all of Gaza, they could do this to everywhere in Gaza with impunity. They choose not to. They haven’t and they wont. They attack only those terrorists responsible for the carnage and misery. Israel still uses only a fraction of the military capabilities at its disposal and yet the media and the anti-Semites and anti-Israel crowd wants to further restrain and constrain Israel’s right to defend itself.

Israel apologizes when civilians are injured or are killed because Hamas puts them forward as human shields. Hamas targets civilians on purpose. Hamas operates with the intention to maximize civilian casualties and has coopted the UN authorities in Gaza.

One has to be morally bankrupt to equate the two, and yet that’s what much of the media and the anti-Israel crowd do.