
Anti-Abortion Group Claims Scott Roeder is 'Not One of Us'

21 11:18:01 am PDT

re: #10 FurryOldGuyJeans

Long time past for pro-lifers to be a “moderate Muslim” and condemn the actions of the jihadis, as you did.

I think if you look through the LGF threads on this you will see a


of pro-lifers who condemned this action.

I am pro-life, and I utterly and completely condemn this murder. No human is judge. What is right and proper is for us is to work to encourage people to choose life, and ensure that services and support are available and offered to those who do choose that.

I saw more than one post claiming that pro-lifers (not some but just “pro-lifers”) were “spinning” like crazy in their condemnation of this action.

Well, if we condemn the action but are seen to be “spinning” - what exactly do you want? What sort of “proof” would you take from me that I do indeed completely denounce this murder and condemn murder as being an appropriate action to be taken against those who provide abortions? Tell me what it is you want?