
Overnight Open Thread

zombie8/13/2009 11:42:09 pm PDT

re: #5 Locker

Newbie question of the night.

Why do you up or down ding someone?

Not really fair of me to ask without answering so I’ll start. I haven’t done a ton of this but so far it breaks down like this.

Funny or clever
Interesting insight
Honest opinions
True personal experience

Personal attack
Name calling
Hate type of stuff

re: #12 Sharmuta

Everyone has their own criteria.

re: #14 Noam Sayin’

You missed a couple.

You missed more than a couple. Everybody has their own criteria all right; some are very personalized to each person, reasons the outside world will never know. One major cateogory you left out is: variations on the theme of social positioning. People upding/downding so as to identify with a social group, or to please a spectator or group of spectators; or simply because their friends did so; or to try to earn someone’s respect; and so on.

Definitely fodder for a PhD in sociology.