
Dan Riehl: Murdered Census Worker Had Teh Ghey

iceweasel10/03/2009 5:23:09 pm PDT

BTW, Riehl had a slapfight with Pandagon today, and was too dim to realise he lost. Here’s part of the Glorious Twitter war:

Me: @DanRiehl He had curly hair, so he was a pedophile? Did your mother drink while you were in the womb, or was it just put in your bottle?

Riehl: @pandagon Calm down FeFe - just curious why it fell off the Left’s map - might be a hate crime. Or u too dumb to figger that out?

Me: @DanRiehl I’d respond, but you may actually be too stupid to understand words. A series of pictures will be along shortly.

Riehl: @pandagon Heterophobe!!

Riehl moved immediately from the assumption that the guy was gay, to the assumption that he has to be a paedophile…apparently because he believes all gay men are paedophiles.
Pandagon response:

What you must realize at this point is that Dan Riehl is officially the Worst Person At Being A Disingenuous Asshole on the face of the planet. By pointing out that Riehl again called Sparkman a pedophile, I’ve actually fallen into his double secret trap of excusing homophobia because…well, I’m sure the guy who equated potentially being gay with raping children will soon instruct me on the ways of tolerating gay people.

Wingnut, Thou Art Loosed