
Maine GOP Governor Candidates Asked About Teaching Creationism

What, me worry?5/14/2010 7:55:56 am PDT

re: #19 Walter L. Newton

If you can believe in G-d, why is it so hard to believe that G-d created it all? And don’t say “scientific evidence.” If this god is capable of putting any of this in motion, why limit him to following any laws or rules of science.

The holy texts, the Hebrew and Greek scriptures certainly portray a god who performs outright miracles, well beyond the boundaries of possible science, so, what is all this confusion about creationism.

If you can’t divorce yourself from a belief in G-d, then you should not limit that god, or limit the possibilities that are presented in the holy texts.

I don’t think creationism should be taught in schools, and if any of these politicians suggest that, then that should be considered, but if you are a believer, then what gives any believer the right to suggest that you shouldn’t believe in creationism, that there is something wrong with these politicians stating a belief in creationism.

What if God created the Big Bang which in turn created the Universe? My belief in God in no way clouds my judgment about evolution.

Maimonides (a scientist and biblical scholar) said that if science contradicts the Torah than it is the Torah we do not understand clearly.