
112 GOP Candidates Support Forcing Women to Bear Rapists' Babies

Vambo9/28/2010 3:07:51 pm PDT

re: #11 LudwigVanQuixote

Actually, they did everything in their power to stop the jobs bill, the one thing that would stimulate the economy and they oppose anything that would help. Of course, they also made it possible through de-regulation to get into this mess in the first place.

How anyone believes that teh GOP is good for the economy is beyond me.

They spend way more than Dems and they only find new ways for their wealthy cohorts to feed off the public trough while crushing the middle class and lying about it.

fiscally conservative plans from campaign ads I have seen:

- cut taxes
- stop spending (on what is anyone’s guess)
- stop Obamacare (because of death panels, subsidized abortions, and “government doctors”)
- cut taxes for the top 1% so they can give us jobs (because this worked exceptionally well throughout GWB’s term)