
Crassest Right Wing Blogger of the Day: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

lostlakehiker2/04/2011 1:43:25 pm PST

re: #1 ralphieboy

The Right -Wing talking points have settled in making Mubarak out to be the last bastion against an Islamic Terror state run by the Muslim brotherhood.

It could turn out that way. I don’t think it will. I hope it won’t. But history has a way of taking wrong turns, and an Egyptian Taliban just might come out on top.

Our own elections will ride in part on how this turns out, and people are placing their bets. It’s a sensible tactic, if you’re a potential RW candidate, to forecast disaster. The logic is this: If disaster materializes, you look prescient and Obama, already weakened by the fact of the disaster, looks worse because you warned him. If it doesn’t, well, you look like a nervous Nellie, Obama cruises to a win, and you can only muse that it’s tough to beat an incumbent and your luck didn’t hold.

There’s another possible explanation: you’re not just blowing smoke. At least, not in your own mind you aren’t. You’ve thought about it and you think you see where he’s going wrong. And so you speak up. That’s what we have “the loyal opposition” for.