
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/03/2011 1:26:01 am PST

re: #19 Gus 802

Perhaps an analogy might help…

Imagine yourself rowing in a large boat with many other people on board, most of whom are also rowing, not unlike the old Roman galleys.

Now, whether that galley went left, right, or straight ahead depends upon: a rudder, the wind/sails, and all of those rowing.

Any given rower may suddenly realize that the ship is heading in the wrong direction. Yet he alone can’t change the direction much, say by stop rowing or accelerating his rowing. It depends upon everyone else rowing on the boat, not to mention the wind and rudder.

So what is he to do if he wants to effect change? Three things: convince other rowers that the have to change too, convince the sail master to lower (or raise) sails, and convince the pilot at the helm to point the rudder in a different direction.

It’s never simple, especially since the rudder may be none existent and the boat motion be totally dependent up the direction of the wind and the whatever muscle with which the rowers are endowed.

So change is difficult. And, at times can seem impossible.