
Overnight Wingnut Thread

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/23/2011 9:09:18 pm PDT

Someone I forget who pointed out that his parents were married in Hawaii and at the time she was pregnant with him. Does one really think a pregnant woman would travel all the way to Kenya to give birth to him? The birthers piss me off. When Obama proposed legislation allowing for children of service people born overseas to explicitly have the same rights to run for office of kids born in the geographic US they claimed it was because he wanted to cover up his own past or that he did it to make McCain look bad. And the nonsense that Huckabee, Gingrich, and others repeat about him not being a real American is nonsense. These guys know that criticizing him only on the issues won’t work for their base so they have to sling shit like monkeys at the zoo and I apologize to the monkeys at the zoo since I enjoy them.