
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

lostlakehiker4/04/2011 10:39:05 am PDT

See my link. It’s up on a “page”. World-sized dust bowl probable.
Me, I won’t live to see the worst of it. You—-If you live, and it’s an iffy IF, you probably will see enough of it to be convinced it’s serious.

The Japan reactor containment failure is no reason to back off from nuclear power. It is, I guess, a reason to back away from the beach when siting them.

There are roughly 30 thousand dead from the tsunami. To this, we may eventually add a few hundred of the heroic workers who have done what was humanly possible to contain the consequences of the damage done by the tsunami to the reactors. In a world that is not safe, the risks that attend nuclear power are no worse than the risks that attend coal mining, while the risks of not doing much of anything about AGW are intolerable.