
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Incident Led to 'Urgent Discussions' at NRA

Targetpractice11/03/2011 9:44:17 pm PDT

re: #18 freetoken

All Cain would have had to do, to let the whole thing blow over, would be to offer up a faint apology along the lines of: “Because I grew up in a time when language and interaction between men and women were less equal than they are today I carried over some of that bias, for which I am sorry today.” And then it would have been over.

But no, he couldn’t do that.

He didn’t even really have to do that. All he had to do, when the media first asked him, was say “I’m aware of some accusations in the past, but due to non-disclosure agreements signed by all parties involved, I cannot speak of the matter,” and that would have been it.