
Stephen Colbert and the Ride for the Constitution

Dr Lizardo10/10/2013 4:17:20 pm PDT

re: #201 ProTARDISLiberal

I still wonder how to deal with the Hadith.

To be honest, the only ones I give notice to are the ones that don’t contradict the Qur’an.

I know in America, you have the “Qur’an Alone” movement; they’re -shall we say- controversial, but they make legitimate points. I’m not the kind of Muslim that will say, “Well, those folks over there……they aren’t real Muslims!”

You recite the shahada; you do the prayers, you recite Surah Fatiha, you believe in Muhammad (saas) as the Prophet of Allah (swt), and the 5 Pillars of Faith, and in my book, that’s close enough; Shi’a, Sunni, Sufi, Ahmadiyya, Alevi, so what? It’s Islam. And if you’re jewish or Christian, you’re the People of the Book, our spiritual cousins.

And that’s that. No if’s, and’s or but’s.