
Limbaugh: "The Pope Is Ripping America... Obama's Having an Orgasm"

Justanotherhuman12/05/2013 2:37:41 am PST

Too bad Maine elected a raving idiot, even if it was only 39% of the total vote.

LePage’s efforts to remove child labor barriers to continue in January

AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage’s goal of making it easier for minors to work will continue in January when the Department of Labor proposes streamlining the work permit process despite previous failed attempts to do so.

“Child labor in Maine has been regulated by state government since the mid-1800s and a key component of those regulations requires school superintendents to issue work permits for school-age children offered a job. Now the Department of Labor has proposed being the first contact for work permits during the summer months. Currently, applications are completed at a person’s local superintendent’s office.

“The initiative falls short of LePage’s stated desire to lower the legal working age to 12, but reprises previous unsuccessful attempts to make it easier for Mainers younger than 16 to earn a paycheck.”

Yeah, just what this country needs—lower the child working age so they can drop out of school earlier because they’re earning a few bucks and more can compete with adults trying to make a living on ever lower wages.