
Amazing Time-Lapse Video From Remote Locations: Journeys of an AstroPhotographer

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/28/2014 5:45:55 am PDT

Good morning Lizards!
Another mainly clear and relatively cool (50F) morning in Philadelphia.

A sort of vegetative weekend. Didn’t do much as allergies are starting to kick in. Drank tea, read, and dealt with cats.

And a big yellow crane appeared in the parking lot across the street. Not sure if it is associated with the building construction, or is doing something else like lifting heat exchangers to/from the neighboring apartment building.

Younger cat’s asthma has been kicking in and the vet and I are seeing if an inhaler and a mild steroid will help with the attacks, or at least lessen their severity. He doesn’t like have the device’s mask held over his face, but I also *have* been able to use it on him 3-4 times as attacks have occurred.

Older cat’s weight is down a bit, but the vet considers that good since we’re trying to get her down to a 9.5-10 lb range (currently 10.2, and was 11 when she was adopted.) She is also being quite sociable recently, but I think that is partially to get extra pets to help remove itchy hairs as she sheds. ;)

Recent reading kick is going back through Prachett’s Discworld books in publication order. About five in now since they are not very long and I’ve had time recently. I figure after this re-read I’ll lend out the box of them to someone, or offer them to my niece again.