
Marco Rubio Follows Anti-Science Statements on Climate Change With Even More Anti-Science Statements on Abortion

ObserverArt5/15/2014 7:13:40 am PDT

re: #206 wheat-doggha — oo bird outside my window

I didn’t get the entire story Mattand linked to, because the video is being blocked by the Great Firewall of China, but the issue is supposedly whether the college kids can solve the subtraction problem using the CC algorithm. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to prove, really, other than provide fodder for know-nothing sites like Independent Journalism Review aka Fox News Lite.

As far as I can tell, the Common Core Standards are a big improvement over NCLB, which was mostly about testing and funding. The CCS encourage deeper learning and interaction among students and teachers.

Well there’s the problem (the part in bold).

Obviously deeper learning and interaction leads to indoctrination of liberal/progressive ideas, and we can’t have that.