
The Most Disgusting Right Wing Tweet on the Paris Terrorist Attack

Nyet1/07/2015 9:20:59 pm PST

An all around jerk-off Max Blumenthal posts this (because, of course, he needs to be a jerk-off on every issue):

The problem is, of course, that Blumenthal ignores the context.
The context was a publication by a far-right rag Minute of a photo of Taubira with a caption about a banana, a usual racist trope. The Minute tried to defend themselves by referencing Charlie Hebdo, saying, no one gets offended about their covers. CH’s response:

“Some people have actually taken offense at the covers of Charlie Hebdo, among which the Catholic far-right which has sued us 12 times in 20 years (…) Minute does not defend the freedom of the press. It prepares the ground for future racist crimes.

An unequivocal condemnation of the racist photo. So what about this cartoon? This was juxtaposed in a 2013 edition of CH with the aforementioned Minute photo. The original was “the 1st degree”, this one was the “2nd degree”, or, “what they really mean”. Note the symbol of the National Front on the cartoon and the caption which satirizes this group, in effect calling them racists. This cartoon basically shows the minister through the eyes of the far right.
That’s right, Blumenthal turned CH’s condemnation of racism into an expression of racism. On the day of the murder.