
Report: Trump Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon Didn't Want His Daughter Going to School With Jews

lawhawk8/27/2016 4:59:10 am PDT

re: #206 Nyet

Hello Doctor Nick! Hello Every-body!

Still doesn’t quite explain why Trump’s primary doc is a gastroenterologist who’s credentials are sketchy, took all of five minutes to write the letter in a limo (sounds more like he signed something Trump stuck in front of him), and acts like someone SNL would come up with and reject because that kind of character is just too out there.

Every time you take the slightest bit of scrutiny and apply it to Trump and the people that surround him, you find major issues. Character and judgment flaws - bigotry, anti-Semitism, misogyny, encouraging white supremacists, etc.

This speaks not only poorly about those people directly - like Bannon, but how Trump and his “advisers” are vetting the people they’re getting to work for him.

After all, this is a campaign that decided that it’s a good idea to hire Bill Stepien, who was fired by Gov. Christie over the Bridgegate scandal. And they hired Manafort (and later sent him packing and replaced him with Bannon).

It’s a mess, and yet the media is trying to both sides their way out of this - claiming that Clinton’s speech identifying all the bigotry emanating from Trump and his surrogates is equal to Trump replying - I know you are but what am I.