
Watch Live: Mueller Testifies to the House Intelligence Committee

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS7/24/2019 2:53:13 pm PDT

re: #200 KGxvi

Well then, it’s a very good thing we haven’t wasted the 6 months that the Dems controlled the House…

Oh, wait…

Yes, it would have been a late start. But what the fuck is the point if you’re not going to conduct oversight and investigations into the most corrupt/incompetent/lawless administration in history? And are we really better off now than we would have been if they’d have done some actual leg work over the last 6 months?

Lastly, for what it’s worth, there are several other areas of Trump’s corruption, graft, incompetence, unlawful/illegal activities that they could have been investigating instead of passing “messaging bills” that McConnell has spent the last six months using as toilet paper.

We’ve been over this so many times…

We only get one shot. I don’t think the votes were there for impeachment even in the House. As continuing inquiries turn up more and more, this is changing. (And we need an ironclad case.)