
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Sliders and a Pfizer

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/05/2021 4:36:08 am PDT

Via News Thump, a UK satire site.

Snow White found dead in castle after refusing to sign a consent form

Snow White has been found dead in a castle today after refusing to sign a consent form allowing Prince Charming to bring her back to life with a kiss.

The rotting corpse of Ms White was discovered earlier today by a number of dwarves alongside a hastily prepared form of consent, unsigned by the princess and a sobbing Prince Charming, who was arrested by authorities shortly after on suspicion of manslaughter.

Describing the scene, officer Simon Williams told us, “It’s a tragedy, and what makes it worse is that it could have easily been avoided.

“Our enquiries have led us to believe that Snow White could indeed have been saved, by a kiss from Prince Charming, her true love, which would have woken her from her sleep and no doubt saved her life.

“But he needed written consent, obviously, as she was fast asleep - but she just refused to sign, mainly because she was under spell and unable to wake up.
