
Dems Threaten to Tax AIG Bonuses

zombie3/17/2009 11:38:43 am PDT
“Recipients of these bonuses will not be able to keep all of their money,” declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in an unusually strong threat delivered on the Senate floor. “If you don’t return it on your own we will do it for you,” said Chuck Schumer of New York.

I hate grandstanding politicians. They make me sick.

Corporations give out massive bonuses and salaries all the time. And almost all the time, the recipients don’t “deserve” it. But it’s their company, and they can do whatever they want to do.

When we bailed out AIG, did we nationalize the company? No? Then shut up, Reid and Schumer. If AIG is a f*cked up company, then let it fail. Instead of huffing and puffing now, how about NOT handing AIG billions of taxpayers’ dollars to begin with?

God, these Democratic politicians are hypocrites.

And since when can taxes be made retroactive? Since when can taxes be made to target one company over another? What is this, a totalitarian state?

The Dems should have thought of this BEFORE handing out trillions in cash to failing companies. Now they’re trying to grab back their gift, in a failed attempt to look like “the good guys.”

Throw the bums out, that’s what I say. And by “bums,” I mean congress, not AIG executives.