
Palin Staying in Politics

Killgore Trout7/12/2009 11:33:22 am PDT

re: #170 Desert Dog

If the Dems and their lackeys in the MSM stop attacking Palin, you’ll know she is no longer a threat to them. If they continue with this hysterics, you know they are terrified of this woman.

That brings up another important point. When the left focuses on Palin her fans misinterpret this as fear. What the lefties are doing is attacking an easy target but the right interprets this as fear. The same thing happened with Coulter; every time she said something ugly the right would praise her for agitating the lefties. Same thing happens on the left with Mikey Moore. The Right doesn’t attack Mikey because they fear him. He’s an easy target.

Also I think Palin feeds the conservative’s new victim mentality. They feel oppressed and unfairly picked on and Palin is the poster child for it. I really don’t think it’s the direction conservatives should be taking but a lot of conservatives find it very appealing.