
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Rexatosis7/20/2009 12:28:17 pm PDT

RE # 140 Apachegunner

Why produce the documentation when you can ignore it, let a segment of your opposition to waste its time focusing on an issue hardly anyone considers germane (or have accepted the vast amount of evidence debunking the issue without the final document) and a segment of the press (talk radio and the internet) report on the “controversy,” while the vast majority of the populace just “tunes out” everything “political.” All the while you push through the most radical agenda to change the United States economy since FDR (and is probably more radical than FDR) through the “white noise” created by this and other “faux” news stories (Michael Jackson etc.). For a discussion of this type of propaganda see Jacques Ellul, “Propaganda” 1965 (English trans.)