
Yon: Ruling Extends Habeas Protections to All Detainees Worldwide

Mostly sane, most of the time.8/06/2009 11:22:33 am PDT

re: #206 drcordell

All of this “duration” language you are quoting comes directly from the Geneva Convention. Either the Geneva Convention applies, or it doesn’t. You can’t just cherry-pick certain clauses and ignore others. We need to decide as a nation which laws apply to these detainees and establish a legal precedent for the future regarding how to prosecute terror suspects. Bush failed to do any of this legal groundwork, and that is why the courts are now addressing the issue. Continue your ad hominem attacks…

Either the Geneva Convention applies, or it doesn’t. They were without uniforms on a field of war, but engaged in combat. We have the right to shoot them.