
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

ausador10/08/2009 5:15:12 pm PDT

Typical social conservative religious right nuttery, I understand why they want to dictate morals, behavior, and beliefs to everyone else, that is obvious. What isn’t so obvious is when or if the Republican legislators are going to realize that by giving these people what they want they are driving away everyone else.

Damn few people want a theocracy in this country, moves like this one make it appear as though the GOP supports the idea though, that scares a lot of people sh*tless. One wonders if the religious right is going to become even more frantic and strident as more and more people turn away from the church (and by extension the GOP)? Atheist and agnostic numbers have doubled in this country over the last twenty years to 16.1%, add to that the deists (no personal god) that are now up to almost 12% of the population. Can the theocrats not see that their own hateful actions are what is responsible for driving people from the church?

It isn’t the gays, lack of forced prayer in the schools, evolution, or reproductive rights that are killing the church. It is their turning the message of love, fellowship, and brotherhood that Jesus taught into one of bigotry, narrow-mindedness, and irrationality. I truly and deeply despise these people and their message, not that they will care, their arrogance is limitless…