
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Guanxi8812/23/2009 1:15:03 pm PST

re: #203 suchislife

certainly on you, it seems.

Exactly right - Philistine that I am, I do not acknowledge that Warhol’s masterful parody of the iconic image of the worst evil to befall China removes immediately any and all controversy about the underlying subject. Yokel that I am, I pause from picking my teeth with my pocketknife to oafishly suggest that perhaps the White House Christmas tree ought not to carry the most commonly-known image of the worst killer of the 20th century, and further reveal my own cultural ignorance by suggesting that Warhol’s subversion of Maoist propaganda fails to do its work because no one knows anything about Mao, before tuning up my banjo.

That’s the one problem about the internet - folk like suchislife have to type instead of spitting in my face.