
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Remark

Orange Impostor3/10/2010 9:25:03 pm PST

Just got through watching Nightline tonight, where they had a story on the American evangelicals’ influences on the anti-homosexuality laws in Uganda, including the new legislation that punishes homosexuals by death.
Included was in interview with Scott Lively, author of “The Pink Swastika”, which claims that the Nazi movement in Germany was a homosexual movement.

Anti-Homosexual Bill In Uganda Causes Global Uproar

“These are good Christians; better Christians than there are here in the states,” says Lively. “They care about each other. And I think the reason they’re pushing so hard on this law is that they don’t want to see what happened to our country happen over there.”

He told the conference’s audience, made up of teachers, social workers, and politicians that “even though the majority of homosexuals are not oriented towards young people, there’s a significant number who are. And when they see a child from a broken home, it’s like they have a flashing neon sign over their head.”