
Women Fight Back: Ohio Bill Makes Erectile Dysfunction Her Business

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/29/2013 2:57:40 pm PDT

I wrote yesterday on The Atlantic’s squirly “survey”, which they released just in time for the “Aspen Ideas Festival”, which sounds like something more for Top Chef to visit than anyone really serious about life and the world, but anyway:

A Big Idea: Abraham Lincoln, MBA

Who knew Harvard Business School hires historians? Nancy Koehn, who mainly studies the history of leadership, has identified lessons from Lincoln that the business world can learn and use. During a talk she gave on Friday at the Aspen Ideas Festival, she spoke about Lincoln’s pragmatic ability to know which battles to fight; his ability to step outside of himself and evaluate alternative perspectives; how to work with others to accomplish desirable outcomes; and how to mobilize in the face of the most important challenges. Perhaps one of the country’s most beloved presidents might have succeeded in the business world.

Because nothing is more important than to “succeed” “in the business world” ???

This whole Ted Talks crowd long ago jumped the shark. Now these avante garde gangs of techno-literati are just entertaining themselves with ever more derivative short skits.