
Greenwald's Guardian Articles Contain Dozens of Embedded Trackers From Corporate PRISM Participants

Birth Control Works8/13/2013 3:04:07 pm PDT

I think, the point of our laws is to try to secure individuals from being targeted for personal vendetta reasons. We like to think we don’t take political prisoners.

When one individual misuses power and greivously harms another person by using a government or private power that is a crime.

-In other words, An Intelligence Agent Person cannot use an unwarranted wire tap to watch Beyonce undress.

-A cop cannot use whatever power he has to make sure a Sex Worker isn’t hiding heroin in her vagina.

-A bank employee cannot peruse customer files to figure out who has been making debit charges to any particular vendor.

Of course, they do. It’s the nature of human beings. We hope to have a system that discourages such behavior as much as possible. Catches and disciplines when not possible.