
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

Rightwingconspirator10/26/2013 12:56:53 pm PDT

re: #192 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

No, I don’t. I have no idea why you keep asserting these things. Nothing I said can be reasonably interpreted as ‘the changes the PA made don’t matter’.

You said ” Very little attention to reasonable efforts to assess the legalities and return to our previous civil protections. ” I’m asking what those previous civil protections are/were. I’m also unclear as to how this relates to this rally.

Okay, well, last resort is a pretty inaccurate term, then. “Last resort” carries the meaning of desperation. You should probably use a term that doesn’t have the meaning of ‘desperation’ if you don’t mean desperation.

My apologies. I have been unable to make my point clearly to you.

I have answered you about previous civil protections. That would be the law as it stood before the P.A. The rally is a very visible example of spectacle over substance. A minute for the ACLU, hours of derp and dudebro crap.

And last resort is a reasonable term to use the way I used it. I stand by it. Methinks you try too hard to find points of disagreement with somewhat novel or highly skeptical interpretations of my words. I wrote about the rally you seemed to take my meaning as congress. I object to reduced civil protections as per the P,A. and you seemed to take it as a complaint about decades of FBI policy. I said last resort because court’s are the last stop in a challenge to a law of the land. Like that DC gun law that fell.

Well we each have our views. They differ.