
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

oh_dude7/20/2009 12:28:21 pm PDT

re: #181 Charles

God no! (we can still say “God” here right?) Charles I’m with you on this. Its a question of holding ourselves to a higher standard. I hope that’s your message. All I’m trying to point out is the hard reality of how elections are won and lost. Look at all the Acorn shit that people were trying to point out during the last election or any of the other shady things that were allegedly happening. Was there anyone in the Democrat party that was talking about making sure that they policed themselves internally against that kind of thing? Of course not. Why? Because they didn’t give a rat’s ass.

All I want to know is what is the plan for defeating a party that will sink as low as possible to get the win?