
Anti-Abortion Activist: 'Abortions Should Be Done in the Public Square'

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2009 7:51:09 pm PDT

This may come as a shocker BTW, but after reading that article, the primary concern of a clinic worker towards an frightened 14 year old girl is towards the girl. If the girl thinks that she will get her BF into trouble and then not come in, then the clinic can not help her.

It is because of these things that there are such things as doctor patient privilege. Only the most whacko of the right wing would think that it is an issue that the clinic did not rush to report her imaginary over aged BF over a phone conversation. Rather, they would likely try to counsel her to change her situation at a minimum and or go to the cops, once trust had been established - rather than scaring a poor girl off.

In the mean time this woman took half an hour pulling the heart strings of someone who wants to help young women in trouble and took that clinician away from someone who needed help.

This woman is despicable.