
Village Voice: Pamela Geller's War (of Bigotry and Hatred)

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/30/2012 2:16:50 am PST

I’m late to the party as usual. Something about putting in a full working day that’s 13 hours ahead of the Eastern Time Zone kinda does that.

stabby has made quite a splash here, s/he of “years and years” of Internet debate experience. By comparison, I am sure I am but a babe in the woods, having been somewhat active in the game since about 2005, and at LGF only since May 2010. Doubtless, Stabby is both wiser and more learned about this whole “Internet debating” thing than I.

That said, in my humble opinion, Stabby, you didn’t learn much.

First, you make assertions without offering any decent evidence. Anecdotal evidence and repeating assertions don’t count.

@15: It’s true that Islam is the most problematic religion,

@54: Christianity can be bad and Islam can be worse at the same time.

Look, get a Koran and a collection of hadiths, then read them. Then read the bible. Ask yourself what percent of the verses on the Islamic side promote hatred or oppression or war or just read like hate speech.

@74: And yet, Mohammad’s own words and supposed actions will always have an effect. They can’t be ignored by Muslims.

@83: Christians can teach a lot of horrible things that aren’t in the Bible, but they’re less likely to, and those ideas can easily go out of style over a generation.

Also Islam is more literal than Christianity, and that’s because of a rant Mohamad went on …

When someone challenges you with specific questions regarding those assertions, you fail to address them. (Obdicut @103 and @118 and challenges from Curious Lurker @60 and @73.)

You then proceed to another subject, not logically connected in any way to the first, meaning the whole whine about down-dings and lack of “meaningful” discussion.

@166: But as uncivil as I can be, it’s my opinion that these people are doing it wrong. They attack early, making the same sort of mistake I did with darthstar - of assuming. But they also stick with their assumption, stick with shallow issues, shallow attacks and get away with bluster because they can rely on the wolf pack.

And yet when Obdi and others avoid shallow attacks and have specific objections to your assertions, you avoid responding to them.

How is this debate? I rather thought debate required give-and-take on specific points. You say A, I challenge A with B. You respond to my challenge B directly with Asub1 and I respond with Bsub1, and so on.

Did you do that, or has my scant seven years of experience left me with no discernment of expert debating?

Then there is your very annoying self-aggrandisement of those “years and years” of experience as a Internet debater. (A master-debater, as it were.)

@50: If you don’t think that Israel hatred isn’t the default position many many many places, then you have no experience arguing about the middle east.

Here comment is very called for, unfortunately. I’ve dealt with that for years.

Puh-lease! You are not dealing with a bunch of numbnuts here. In my relatively short time here at LGF, I’ve come to appreciate the knowledge, reasoning and willingness to think among the vast majority of the commenters here. Your wading in as a self-described Grand Poo-Bah of Islam and the Middle East leaves most of us cold. Put on that humility suit buried in the back of your closet, answer the questions given you, and stop acting like some What-All Expert.

By the way, despite your assertions that you’re just a reasonable, fair-minded kinda guy, you come off as someone who really doesn’t like Islam and Muslims in general. Just sayin’.