
Spectacular Stop-Motion Animation: My Strange Grandfather

NJDhockeyfan2/24/2013 5:56:40 am PST

This is cool.

British academic discovers a 500-year-old arrest warrant for Machiavelli

A British academic stumbled across a rare find while combing through historical archives in Florence: an arrest warrant for the famous Italian writer and strategist Niccol Machiavelli, dated to 1513 and subsequently forgotten.

“When I saw it I knew exactly what it was and it was pretty exciting,” said Manchester University professor Stephen Milner in a university press release.

“When you realize this document marked the fall from grace of one the world’s most influential political writers, it’s quite a feeling.”

The academic had been looking through town criers proclamations when he stumbled upon the document, says the Independent, as well as documents securing the pay of the horsemen who hunted for the political writer in Florence.