
WaPo's Richard Cohen: It's Not Racist to Feel Like Vomiting When You See Biracial Couples

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/12/2013 12:43:10 pm PST

re: #209 GeneJockey

Oh, suspend your disbelief, ferchrissakes!

Seriously, it’s the only way that I can watch any TV show or movie that even wanders near Biotech. But that’s also true of fencing, archery, and a bunch of other things. You know, like “Arrows don’t kill that way, dumbass!! You bleed out, and that only happens quickly if you hit a major artery! And they don’t just stick in you! Ideally they pass through! GAHHHH!!!”

Heh don’t get me started on historical stuff. I think people have watched Braveheart and gotten the idea that William Wallace’s FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM was for a democracy. Nah just for one other tyrannical absolute monarch to rule rather than another but at least that one knew the power of haggis!