
Observations on Evasiveness, Featuring Glenn Greenwald

Dr Lizardo3/17/2014 4:58:25 am PDT

re: #208 Justanotherhuman

Can’t verify the source of this, because the Ukraine news site won’t allow me to translate.

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Here’s a GoogleTranslate. The source seems to be UNN (Ukrainian National News):

KIEV. March 17. UNN. Russian troops continue to threaten arms and put psychological pressure not only on the border , but also on their families. This UNN to the press service of the State Border Service .

Yesterday, the border guards department “Black “, ” Evpatoria” and “Sevastopol” who refused to swear allegiance to the so-called ” new government ” has delivered an ultimatum to their eviction from their families together with service apartments. Aggressor can afford to spend and atrocities against women and children.

This is not the first time such behavior. As previously reported , on International Women’s Day aggressive Russian troops storm the department took Border Service ” Shcholkine .” Armed commandos rushed to the border unit at night. During the attack they beat senior border changes warrant and entered the apartment where the family reside border . Gunpoint , they ordered all within 10 minutes to gather belongings and leave the department.

In just the past week the so-called Russian ” peacekeepers ” forcibly evicted from apartments departmental guards 11 and 19 family members, including 9 children.

Under conditions of extremely complex situation, being exposed daily moral and psychological pressure, intimidation , threats by Russian security forces Ukrainian border guards refused to obey unrecognized Crimean authorities and remain faithful to the oath and Ukrainian people.

As reported UNN Crimean parliament declared the results of the “referendum” , declared the region independent sovereign state and nationalized all property belonging to the Ukrainian state.
Source: UNN
Tags : events in Crimea

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