
So-Called President Trump Threatens to Investigate Sen. Schumer, Based on Gateway Pundit Blog Post

The Ghost of a Flea3/03/2017 2:27:44 pm PST

The Sad Truth About Milo Yiannopoulos

Worth reading just for the insults.

Milo’s secret is that he’s one of the most boring people on the planet.

like every other failed reactionary loser to get bored of these pissy British islands, he went off to seek fame in America, where people confuse our accents for wit and our humdrum sex lives for personality.

He’s someone’s dad, a spluttering retired colonel full of gravy and defeat,


Milo’s fanboys—and there are a lot of them, even now, these sad scrawny men whose hairs jostle with pimples across an always strangely damp face—usually have two lines of argument when it comes to their hero. First, he’s just trolling. Milo is a jester and an ironist—he says things for attention and shock value—and if you let yourself get upset by them, you’ve just proven yourself to be his plaything. Second, and closely related, any criticism of the man just gives him more attention: iIf it weren’t for all the outrage, he’d still be just another sad dweeb reviewing pencils for the Telegraph, and every time you make fun of his flimsy pretensions, you’re just helping him get more famous and feeding the vast churning mill of his ego. Luckily, these are both bullshit.