
That Assange Pardon Deal With Trump Dana Rohrabacher Tried to Make? It Was Facilitated by Chuck C. Johnson.

Nyet9/16/2017 1:14:36 am PDT

> Then, in the very next paragraph, he writes “I do not believe the six million Jews killed figure.”

> Uh, Chuck? That’s straight up Holocaust denial, dude.

Well, yes and no.

“No” in the sense that I also do not believe in the six million Jews killed figure. I believe in an estimate range of 5 to 6 million killed Jews. Raul Hilberg’s estimate, for example, was 5.1 million, i.e. Raul Hilberg, one of the deans of the Holocaust studies, did not believe the six million Jews killed figure.

“Yes” in the sense of, we know the context, and Chucky didn’t nuance his 6m rejection with a comment similar to mine above.

But I would urge caution using “doesn’t believe in 6m” as a shorthand for denial.