
Watch Live: And Now, Melania Trump Will Gloss Over the Fact That She's Married to a Racist Philandering Bully

Renaissance_Man5/07/2018 3:32:30 pm PDT

re: #197 Joe Bacon 🌹

Which is why I’ve repeatedly asked WHAT KOMPROMAT DOES PUTIN HAVE ON REPUBLICANS??????

I don’t think it’s much, or even anything.

I think today’s Republicans are like today’s Republican voters - they watch a lot of FOX, consume a lot of cult internet, and don’t need to be blackmailed to condone treason or crimes. They’re not condoning treason or crimes knowing that it’s wrong, but they feel they have to because of anything particular - they just don’t think they’re wrong. They believe that all things - naked treachery, open crimes, violence - are all okay as long as they hurt the ‘real villains’; ie. liberals, Democrats, foreigners. This now extends to the judicial institutions of the United States, because that’s how powerful the FOX cult is - it has convinced these people that the very institutions that protect them, that they once championed, are now their enemies. That’s why they don’t just hold their nose and support criminals - they actively support criminals, because they consider the law enforcement of the Federal Government their enemy.

It’s possible that FOX has sold this message deliberately on behalf of the Russians. I don’t know that. It certainly helps them.