
Stephen Colbert on Yesterday's Most Pathetic News: Sean Hannity Puts the President to Bed Each Night

EPR-radar5/15/2018 4:00:40 pm PDT

re: #179 freetoken

Since I brought up the Hoover Institution, let me rant a bit more: they make my ass tired.

Fancy attempts to add patinas of respectability to old prejudices are not, I repeat, are not great feats of humanity.

Lipstick on pigs - that’s what so much of the effort of conservative think tanks turn out to be.

Hoover Institution is a classic, perhaps the most classic, example.

The rubes will mistake the use of the language (English) as a great insight into the subject matter (foreign affairs, economics, etc.)

Just because someone has the best words, the biggest words, does not make their assertions any more true than others.

Galbraith said it best: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”