
The Trump Virus Spreads to the Official White House Twitter Account

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/02/2018 11:21:46 pm PDT

America, 2018:

A campaign to blitz the country with ‘In God We Trust’ laws takes root

As the summer heat waxes and state legislative sessions wane, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation has scored a few small but significant victories.

This year, five state legislatures passed laws mandating that every public school prominently display the U.S. motto, “In God We Trust.” The addition of Arkansas, which passed such a law in 2017, brings to six the number of states with public school mandates, including Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee.

Those laws, mostly sponsored by legislative prayer caucuses in about 30 states, were inspired by the foundation’s 2017 manual known as Project Blitz, a 116-page guide for state legislators listing 20 model bills of which “In God We Trust” is the first.


This is of course an attempt at theocracy.

The old worldview does not go quietly into the night. It will fight, and kill if necessary, to survive.