
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Tommy Emmanuel: "Sanitarium Shuffle" (from Endless Road)

Nerdy Fish6/24/2024 8:40:32 am PDT

re: #211 Mattand

Worth noting that in May, Trump was essentially a convicted rapist and our idiot independents didn’t see that as a deal breaker.

Angers me to no end that one of the things we’re counting on to keep democracy going in November is a group of morons who, even after nine years of Trump’s shit, think “Yeah, that guy should be POTUS.”

I had a political conversation with my best friend over the weekend. He’s completely oblivious to all the bad shit Trump has done, and even when I explicitly called it all out, he still said at the end of the conversation, “I hate Trump less than I hate Biden, because Biden is a bumbling idiot.” For the record: He may or may not actually believe that. However, he is set in his pre-conceived notions that because of how he was raised and his religious beliefs, he has to find excuses to vote for Trump.