
Sotomayor on Tape

Daria Emmons5/29/2009 2:57:14 pm PDT

re: #203 OldLineTexan

If I say something racist, is questioning it an “attack”?

I will state that I respectfully disagree with those who find no harm in Sotomayor’s famous remark. And I did indeed read the “whole thing”. However, I am not a lawyer.

I am also greatly disturbed by her published views on the Second Amendment.

However, I will add at the risk of repeating myself that I did not expect to be happy with any Obama appointee, and that potential SCOTUS openings were one of my two reasons to vote for McCain. So I am biased. I would have to be insane to not be.

I have to go right now - but closing comments…

Sonia Sotomayor’s statements at UC-Berkley may be considered “racist.” Maybe, maybe not. But that does not mean that Sonia Sotomayor, the person, is racist.

It is extremely helpful to examine all the evidence concerning Sotomayor. It is helpful, and it is necessary. But it is unhelpful, in my opinion, to be quick to then jump to a CONCLUSION that Sotomayor as a PERSON is thus “racist,” “sexist,” or really ANYTHING, until her full record is known.

No one should be so quickly judged on one paragraph they said at one speech, unless that paragraph included something similar to what is seen in a David Duke speech or on Hamas TV, and her comment most certainly was nothing like that.

Her comment was troubling, and ill-advised. But when taken in the context of her record, her comment is not the “proof” that Sotomayor is a racist that it is portrayed as.

At least in my opinion!