
Angle's 'Slush Fund' Becomes 'Important First Step'

Fozzie Bear7/08/2010 7:54:36 pm PDT

re: #61 Killgore Trout

Frog Report: I’m happy to see that at least one of my frogs and most of my tadpoles survived today’s 100 degree temps.

Frogs are, from what I have seen, fairly savvy about keeping cool. I have noticed that they stay in the shade instead of sunning themselves on 100+ degree days. They also pant if it gets really really hot, and it’s kind of cute to see.

The house where I grew up had a swamp behind the house, and as you can imagine, I spent alot of time watching the wildlife (and catching it and showing my horrified mom) as a child. I always was quite fond of the frogs. They are smarter than you might think. I find that to be generally true of animals when you start to really watch their moment-to-moment behavior.