
Mysterious Missile Launched Off California Coast

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 1:22:02 pm PST

re: #207 Charles

I can’t say for sure, and I’m not making any final judgment, but this post has some photos of jet contrails that look VERY similar to the ‘missile launch.’


It is interesting because what you posted actually makes the same mathematical argument I am.

The math is even looks correct.

The difference is that the shots there are taken from the ground, while the shots in question here are taken from the air.

Do the math they have there with a different origin and you will show my side is vastly more likely.

Now, we know when the LA chopper was in the air, where it was and the direction it was looking at. They are also reporting that this came from 35 miles off the coast. They formed that estimate by knowing these things.

Geometry aside, from the above if you know where you are looking, in LA at what time and it was an airliner - it would be pretty easy to call LAX and ask if was an airliner. Maybe CBS and the News services would be all sloppy and fail to do that.

But it would be in the interest of the pentagon for many reasons to do that first.