
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Martinsmithy8/24/2011 4:41:34 pm PDT

re: #211 Obdicut

I can’t tell if you’re being illogical on purpose.

It’s true that we should lower spending in the boom times. However, the fact that we haven’t done that doesn’t mean we should goddamn compound the error, like morons, by not spending heavily in a recession.

You are saying “We’ve made one mistake, so let’s make another one”.


The reason we can’t spend our way out of this recession is that the resulting ballooning of our already huge national debt, which was almost criminally increased during the Bush Presidency despite good economic times, would cause damage to the economy greater than the benefit from increased government stimulus spending.

Which means that we must find another way out of this recession. The most obvious alternative is the method used to get out of economic slumps prior to 1929, which was to just live through the misery like we live through a bout with the flu and let events take their course. Combined with modern-day social welfare and unemployment insurance programs, which should be funded by increased taxes on the rich. This appears to be the only way out of this economic morass.