
Live Video: State of the Union Address

jamesfirecat1/24/2012 6:26:36 pm PST

re: #189 Max D. Reinhardt

In 2008, Obama talked about fixing the tax code so that it wouldn’t reward companies that “sent jobs overseas.” He had a majority in both houses for two years and did nothing.

Do you know what a filibuster is?

Do you know how much Republicans hate raising taxes on anything?

Do you know how frequent Tedd Kenedy was out due to health problems?

Do you know how long it took to get Al Franken seated?

Do you know hwo long Arlen Spector was a Republican for?

The “Two year” both house majority was nothing but a mirage. The only time it counted was when he had 60 votes in the Senate and he needed all that time to get Healthcare passed…