
Video: Glenn Beck Yearns for Civil War

Ghost of Tom Joad1/16/2013 6:42:05 am PST

re: #202 Dr Lizardo

And ultimately it will. Movements like this invariably burn themselves out.

It will once most of the new weapon regulations are passed and 99% of the gun owners realize that they don’t negatively effect them in any way. Of course, they’ll never realize the whole thing was a sick joke perpetrated by the weapons manufacturers and their mouthpieces like the NRA. That’s pretty much the only tangible result out of all of this - rich people got richer. The new regulations will most likely do very little to curb gun-related violence, a bunch of morons will have been exposed by their pro-gun anti-government paranoia, but Wayne LaPierre will be able to stuff his pillows with Benjamins.